How Do Dentists Fix Gapped Teeth? Explaining Your Options
If you’ve got a gap in your front teeth (diastema), you may be wondering if you can have it fixed by a dentist. The answer is “yes!” And depending on your unique situation, you may have several options for fixing the gap in your smile. Read on, and learn all the details in this blog from Bespoke Dentistry.
What Is Diastema (Gapped Teeth?)
A gap in your front teeth is technically called a “diastema.” This is very common, and as much as 25% of adults in the United States have some kind of gap between their front teeth.
Though it can sometimes indicate other orthodontic issues, diastema is not usually harmful. However, some people don’t like the effect that a gap between their front teeth has on their appearance, since it makes their smile less even.
What Causes Diastema Or Gapped Teeth?
Diastema is usually genetic. Most of the time, it just happens because your teeth are smaller in relation to the size of your jaw bone. That means there just isn’t enough tooth material to fill up the gap in your smile, resulting in diastema.
However, diastema can sometimes be caused by other things as your mouth develops, such as an untreated lip tie during childhood, an improper swallow, or habits like thumb sucking or “tongue thrusting.”